Housewife Attacked the Crocodile when Bath

IN - A 2.5 meter crocodile attacked Conscience ( 27 ) , a housewife villagers Teramang Jaya , Mukomuko district , Bengkulu province .
Events that occurred while bathing in the river Conscience at 17:40 pm , Wednesday ( 29/01/2014 ) . As a result of the crocodile attack , she suffered injuries in the left chest .
Luckily, the villagers who heard screams for help Conscience rushed to the river and managed to banish a large crocodile that once helped Conscience .
Residents actually attempt to catch the crocodile . However , the crocodile is estimated that a parent passes after diving into a river deep enough .
Danramil 0423-02 wormwood , Captain Eddy Prayitno Inf , as confirmed via a phone line confirmed the incident .
" The victim suffered lacerations on the chest and leg and killed the crocodile in the river Teramang , " said Eddy Prayitno .
In the river , according to Eddy Prayitno , is known to have some wild crocodiles endanger residents and livestock .


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